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Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Hugs and nite nite to a special Angel..And Hugs and good night to ur sweet family..God Bless you all and sweet dreams..
Abigayl's Mommy
Thinking of you today little angel. You are so pretty Lila... what a beautiful light in this world you are. Hugs and kisses.
Con't Grandma 2 Angie Robert
My thoughts and prayers are with your family..Your sweet baby brother is so cute and so is Maddie and you..Hugs to all of you..xo
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Lighting candles 4 all our precious angels is something so nice to do 4 them..We could never 4get our angels as long as we live..
Maddie & Jude
We <3 our sister. xoxo.
Thinking of you today my bright sunny angel girl. miss you so much. xoxo.
Thinking of you as always. Miss you much.
Donna Mom to Angie-Robert
Cute little baby...I enjoy coming to your site. Angie's favorite color when she was little was pink too. Hugs 4 Mom and u xo
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Lila Grace always thinking of you sweetie ..So nice of your sweet Mommy to think of Angie with a candle..Love to you both..xo
Donna Mom to Angie-Robert
Mommy's little cupcake is so pretty and sweet, everything is in pink and it makes you look so pretty. Sending big hugs to u
Thinking of you today little angel baby. I love you and miss you soooo much. Hugs and kisses to my sweet girl. xoxo forever
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Just passing by 2 say hello 2 a sweet little angel who I got 2 know..Have a fun day with Angie and let her know I love her so..xo
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