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Rainbows of Hope

Since Lila's Passing we've always seen beautiful rainbows.  We know rainbows are God's promise to us- back from the days of Noah- to never flood the earth again.

We also see Hope in these rainbows, Hope that renews us in our minds and attitudes.  When there is a rainbow, we smile and think of our precious baby girl.

A remembrance of her is there- sparkling through each tiny raindrop.

Here are our photos of rainbows we see in our lives.


Carrie Bower January 30, 2012
another rainbow! taken by Grammy
image Another gorgeous double rainbow, this one spied by Grammy who snapped a pic with her phone.  God is AWESOME and He reminds us constantly of his love for us.  This is like a hug from God wrapped across the sky telling us He's here and He cares!

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!
momma July 20, 2010
rainbow at sunset last night!!
image I just happened to glance out the window because I thought I heard rain- and there it was- pretty as could be!  Reminds me of you in Heaven, sweet baby girl.  Missing you today and always- hugs- Momma. xoxo
Mommy May 26, 2010
Another Full Rainbow
Mommy February 2, 2010
A rainbow picture sent to us from Cookie
image Our new friend Cookie sent us this awesome rainbow picture.  She was on her way to work on Feb 1st (Lila's angel day anniversary) and saw it!  Yet another exciting rainbow sighting, and what a great day to see one. 
Mommy August 26, 2009
A rainbow in the kitchen
image I love the nights when there are no clouds and the sun streams thru the kitchen windows.  It always casts rainbows from the crystals I have hanging there.  The rainbows, of course, make me think of you.   Maddie thinks they are pretty fabulous too.
Mommy August 26, 2009
Late August Full Rainbow!!
image We had to take Jude to the dr. and were awaiting some important results, after the call of reassurance from the doctor that everything was well - we saw this rainbow just beyond the yard!  I went way back into the field to try to catch as much of it in the picture as I could.  It was amazing.  The first full rainbow I've ever seen in my life, and at the bottom, it was doubled.  I took this as yet another sign.  A sign of hope.
Mommy August 26, 2009
Mid August Rainbow.
image After the rain, we were left with a beautiful rainbow, baby girl.  It made us think of you, and the Lord.  We can't wait until we spy your face again one day in Heaven sweet angel baby. xoxo

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