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Baby Lila, Mommy met a new friend, Wendi ;)!  But you already know this because you sent her to me, didn't you?!  She's such an amazing, strong Mommy.  I bet you and Ethan are close little friends in Heaven, aren't you?! 

~Born July 5, 2007 ~ Went to Heaven October 20, 2007

I can just picture you and your little angel friends pushing each other on a swing, smiling at the Lord and calling out praises.  I love you, sweet baby!


Good morning to you up there, Lila.  We awoke to a sunny day, spring is coming, finally.  I walked by your room again this weekend and saw that picture of you with the rainbow shining across it again.  Some call it simple science, a beveled mirror and sunshine and reflection, BUT I Call it a sign that God Makes BEAUTIFUL things and just because we don't see them all the time doesn't mean they don't exist.  Just like you, God made you and You're in HEAVEN.  You're like a rainbow, Lila, you aren't here for every single day, but God gives us little rainbows and takes them away for while, but we'll see them again later.  If you think about it, if Rainbows were in the sky every day, would we appreciate their beauty as much as we do? 

I don't cry when I think of you now, I smile because you're just a prayer away, you're up there enjoying paradise.  This world's line between right and wrong, and the understanding of sin get more distorted everyday.  I'm glad you never have to see that baby girl.  Please look out for your sister, she has to travel these pathways of life.  She'll need you up there rooting for her.....

Grammy Brenda

I miss you so much Lila , the way you wanted to snuggle up in my neck and you would close your eyes like you were sleeping but the moment that I would stop patting you on your back one eye would pop open to get me to start patting again . Your big sister was not a snuggler she thought she was a big girl right from the start and didn't want all that kissing on her. Thank-you for letting us all snuggle and kiss on you as much as we wanted. My heart aches to hold you again.

Cindy Nesius

Sweet baby Lila the memory of your cry during your dedication day stands out in my mind. It was music to our ears to hear your sounds. So very precious. If only pastor Andy would have talked faster you could have had your bottle. You will be remembered until we meet again!

You and your sissy spent so much time watching and smiling at each other.  You brought so much joy to her life.   I'm sad that I can't watch the two of you grow up together, but Heaven will wipe that sadness away.  Until I get there, just remember, I LOVE YOU.
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