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We're adding this page for record of the balloon memorials that have been found.


On November 7, 2008, Lila Grace would have been one year old.


We released balloons in her memory.  We wanted to send off 86 in all- one for each day of her life, but the weather was rainy and cold with down drafts and the balloons didn't want to go up.  We gave up after about ten balloons.  We didn't think they'd make it much farther than the neighbors farm, but after four/five months we started to get messages, letters and emails from people finding the balloons. 


We are planning to send off the rest of the balloons that wouldn't go that day, in hopes that her memory will reach even more people.  We miss our Lila Grace oh so much- but this helps lighten our hearts and brighten our days.  Each balloon found has added to her story.


God Bless!

Mommy April 13, 2009
Second Balloon Found- MI

Your second balloon has been reported-- also in the state of Michigan

And on Easter day of all days!! How exciting!!!!


Thanks to Bruce Smith for letting us know he spotted it!!


Mommy April 13, 2009
First Balloon Found- Michigan

We got a letter in our po box from the Mansell Family in Michigan.

They found your first balloon!! 

This is very exciting!


Mommy April 13, 2009
Another balloon release photo
image What a rainy and cold day.  It was downright yucky outside.
Mommy April 13, 2009
we released the balloons - 11/7/08
image For your first birthday we sent the balloons up, but they didn't really "want" to fly!!

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